What is Internet Marketing?

Copywriting is the most important element for effective online marketing. With Search Engine Optimization in the picture and the need to be creative to catch people's attention, copywriting has now become both an art and a science that involves strategically writing words to promote a person, product, business, opinion, or idea.  You do this of course, with the intention of having the reader take action, like buying your product, commenting on your blog post, or changing their life decisions. 

SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting is the art of writing web page copy that is attractive to readers, but also ranks well for specific searching terms that people are using to find whatever you are writing about.  For example, if you were looking for a new restaurant to go to, you would probably go online and Google: “restaurants, providence RI” and then make your decision from the first couple of search results pages you get, right??  Do you ever search for something and look through all 2,385,000 results? Who has the time? Well the better your ranking the higher you will come up on the search engine's results pages. 

Well because of the overwhelming popularity of “googling it” search engines have now become more sophisticated, making good copy writing and SEO a crucial part of doing business. The great part about SEO is that the internet allows for already interested customers to find YOU.  Thus eliminating the need for smaller businesses to spend large amounts of money on advertising.  And saving money is a great thing!